
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Paige's First Birthday

Just as we were winding down from the holidays, we blinked and it was Paige's first birthday!  I say it a lot, but I cannot believe how quickly time goes and how fast this first year went.  I remember not being ready in some ways for Autumn to turn one, and I had those same feelings as Paige's birthday got closer.  At the same time, we are so excited for all of new experiences that are ahead and all of the things she will learn in this next year.  She has been an amazing and entertaining baby, and I can only imagine the laughter we will have in the months to come. 

Unfortunately she was sick with croup on her actual birthday (Jan 8th), so we laid pretty low that weekend.  Thankfully her party was scheduled for the following weekend, because she was in no shape to celebrate that day.  We felt so bad for her...we asked her how old she was (Grandma Church taught her how to hold up one finger) and she did it with the saddest little face :(

We made the most of her birthday and made mini cupcakes with our new cupcake maker the girls got from Christmas.  I'm pretty sure we made about 56 cupcakes....took a little while, but super yummy!

The following Saturday (Jan 15th) Paige was feeling back to her normal silly self and was ready to party!

Again, having so much fun opening presents and tearing off the paper.  She looked like an old pro!

Paige loved her cake.  It took her a little while to realize what it was and that she was actually allowed to eat it, but once she got going she didn't want to stop.  She also managed to get nice and messy!

Super silly birthday smile! 

I think she was pretty darn proud of herself and had no problem being the center of attention for the day.  She did a great job and had lots of fun, and it was so nice to have our whole family there to celebrate her birthday!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Christmas 2011

Yes it's almost Easter, but I thought I should wrap up my updates for 2011 with some pictures from Christmas.  We had our best Christmas yet as a family.  It was Paige's first Christmas, which made it all the more special, and we had so much fun hanging out as a family and enjoying some time off work and school.  Autumn was so excited for Christmas this year and it was awesome to see her reactions to all the traditions of the season.  We felt very blessed to have made some wonderful memories as a family, and we even managed to all stay healthy through the holidays.

Family trip to the lights at the Columbus Zoo. 

Three tired girls - Autumn, Paige, and Macy.  Relaxing over Christmas break.

That is a fine looking gingerbread train if I do say so myself.  I think it's clear by Autumn's expression that she may have eaten a little too much of the candy. Can you say sugar high?!                                                                             

All dressed up for Christmas Eve church.  Fancy shmancy!

They must have been pretty good girls because Santa made it to our house!  Autumn's Christmas list wishes were fulfilled and Paige was happy just ripping off the wrapping paper :)

Santa brought Paige a matching sled and Autumn a Scout dog to match Paige's Voilet dog.  I think we only got to use the sleds one time this year though.  What a strange, warm winter.

 I love Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!

Opening presents with cousins Madde and Jacob.  Santa brought them all yo-yo's so Grandpa Latta can teach them some tricks!

 ...And more presents with our other cousins Brady and Riley.  Talk about some lucky little girls.  Their grandparents and aunts and uncles sure were nice to them this year.