
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Easter 2012

As I mentioned in Autumn's birthday update, Easter weekend was jam packed for us this year.  Saturday we had Autumn's party and also celebrated Easter with Nick's side of the family.  Then sunday we celebrated with my side.  I don't think the kids minded since they got some quality time with all of their grandparents and cousins, not to mention lots of goodies in their baskets!

Paige sporting super funny bunny glasses from G&G Church. 
...and Autumn swinging with her bunny glasses on :)

I'm pretty sure if they weren't cousins they would marry each other.  (Someday one of us is going to have to tell them that can't marry each other.) 

Brady and Autumn coloring eggs

Riley and Paige enjoying their first Easter together.  Last year at that time Riley wasn't even born....I never would've guessed that she would be walking around a year later while Paige still drug along her leg doing her strange, I mean unique and special, crawl :)

Cutie pie :)

Happy girls Easter morning when they saw that the Easter Bunny had come!

This was literally the best picture I could get of the two of them in their Easter dresses.  It is amazing how challenging of a task this is sometimes.   It might be a toss up which is harder - birthing them, or taking a picture of them together.

Getting ready for an egg hunt with Maddie and Jacob!  All ready to go with her traditional Mickey and Minnie Mouse baskets!  (Paige was napping during this egg hunt.  All the fun of the weekend wore her out).

The powers that be at Disney should be thrilled with this picture.  Autumn, hunting for eggs, while wearing a Belle dress and carrying a Mickey basket. 

Autumn's 4th Birthday

Well this year was a big birthday year for Autumn.  It was her golden birthday.  In fact, she turned 4 on 4/4, so it was doubly golden!  She had school the morning of her birthday, and she got to bring in a special birthday snack and the famous birthday bucket.  She had been waiting all year for her turn to get the birthday bucket, because it meant that she got to fill it with all of her favorite things from home and tell her class all about them.

After school she had a special birthday lunch with Mom and Dad, and then she and I had a girls afternoon including her first mani/pedi, going to see The Lorax and hanging out at Barnes and Noble.  Then Shannon, Brian, Maddie and Jacob met up with us for a birthday dinner.  She had a great day, and even asked if her birthday could be on April 5th next year so it can be her golden birthday again.

                                         Autumn's first manicure!
....and then her first pedicure!
              Having fun hanging with her cousins for dinner
We had her party the weekend after her birthday.  It was a busy weekend with both Easter and her party, and she was one tired girl at the end of the weekend.  Her party was at The Little Gym just like last year.  We had a few more kids there this time around, and I learned that four year olds are much braver and louder than three year olds :).
She was thrilled to get her own yellow baby, after begging for one since Christmas.  Paige got one for Christmas and Autumn did a very good job of taking care of it until she got her own :) 
Having a blast on the double bars with Grace and Owen D.
Autumn and her friends were good listeners at circle time.
What a cake - she asked for a princess castle cake and that's what she got.  It was no small feat holding it in the car from home to the party, but she LOVED it! 
One final gift was waiting for her at home after her party, courtesy of G&G Latta.  She was so surprised she barely said anything, and kept asking what it was for and if it was really for her.